Dear K-2nd graders. I hope you are doing well and staying out of trouble. I know that some of my K-1st graders missed their Mr. Whale and the Ugly Doll. So today, during our lesson, you will get to see them performing for YOU!!!
During this lesson, Mr. Whale is going to perform a song for you. Feel free to sing along (the lyrics to the song are posted below the video lesson). Then, we will make percussion instruments. After that, I will DARE YOU to compete with me during the JUMPING GAME. We will jump to a song while playing on our handmade percussion instruments. I want to see who can jump the longest, me or YOU? ( I would need a video proof if you can jump longer than me- email to Finally, we will perform a song written by Mr. Whale and the Ugly Doll using our percussion instruments ( the song is also posted below the lesson).
LET'S get STARTED, click " play" to watch this lesson:
Same lesson as above, just via youtube:
Lyrics to sing along with Mr. Whale:
Rhythm to play along with Mrs. Karpenski:
Lastly, please make sure to complete 1-2 activities from the BINGO BOARD ( click here) and email it to me ( click here) OR submit via Mrs. Reiber's page ( click here).
Mr. Whale and The Ugly Doll miss you very much, if you can, please take pictures of your favorite stuffed animals and email it to me along with a note for them, so I could show it to Mr. Whale and the Ugly Doll.